









Learn Crypto

Learn Trading

Practice Trading

Owning Cryptocurrency

Hardware Wallets

Software Wallets

These wallets are more or less identical:

  • Bitcoin.com - BTC & BCH - supports join/shared accounts - uses bitcoin.com for synchronisation - further along than copay+bitpay, as supports BTC+BCH address books
  • Bitpay - BTC & BCH - supports join/shared accounts - uses bitpay.com for synchronisation - identical to copay
  • CoPay - BTC & BCH - supports joint/shared accounts - uses bitpay.com for synchronisation - nearly identical to bitcoin.com wallet




Address Sharing

Convert & Transfer


Anonymous Cryptocurrencies


Funds & Investment

  • 22x - upcoming - invest into a token, that is used to invest in companies
  • Astronaut - upcoming - invest into a token, that is used to invest in ICOs
  • Bitwise - limited to USA investors with min $25,000USD - invest into the top 10
  • Bundil - invest transaction roundups into cryptocurrencies of your choice
  • Circle: Invest - USA only - invest into a crypto split of your choice
  • Coinseed - invest into a crypto split of your choice
  • Crumbs - invest transaction roundups into a crypto split of your choice
  • Crypterval - invest daily into an exchange trade of your choice
  • Crypto20 - invest in a token, that represents a dynamic crypto split
  • Ethos - upcoming - invest in coins, that invest in something
  • Faast - invest into a crypto split, via direct connections to your wallet
  • Kyros - upcoming - invest into a token, that is used to invest in crypto
  • Nebeus - request and fund crypto loans with interest, uses collateral to ensure repayment
  • Nuo Lending - about - request and fund ether loans with interest, uses smart contract to ensure repayment
  • Token Union - holds your investment ransom, on the hope you get more back


Comparison Table



Decentralised exchanges often function more like wallets, which have inbuilt conversion and trading capabilities

Underlying platforms for decentralised exchanges:

Upcoming exchanges that currently only offer tokens:




Portfolios track your money against the market

Developer focused:


Tickers track only the market and not your own money.

Developer APIs:

  • AlphaVantage + indicators
    • last 24 hours in 5 minutes intervals
    • daily, weekly, monthly
  • BitcoinCharts
    • daily, weekly, monthly
  • BFXdata + margin funding stats
    • hourly since inception
  • CoinCap
    • last 24 hours in 5 minute intervals
    • weekly at hourly interviews
    • yearly at daily intervals
  • CoinMarketCap
    • realtime at 1 minute intervals
    • weekly
  • CoinMetrics
    • daily
  • CryptoCompare
    • realtime at 10 second intervals
    • last 7 days at minute intervals
    • hourly since inception
  • CryptoWatch - 👍
    • realtime data for every exchange
    • historical data for each exchange at a variety of intervals
  • Quandl + data sharing platform
    • seems all are at daily intervals
  • Spreadstreet - data sharing paltform
    • all sorts of historical data sets, including ones from inception at ~1-5 minute intervals

Developer Tools:



Signals tell you specifcally when to buy or sell


Alerts tell you when certain things happen

Automated Trading


Places automated trades. You bring the strategies.


Places automated trades. You bring the data and strategies.


Places automated trades. You bring the data.

For arbitrage data sources, refer to the Rates section.

Market Making

Places automated trades. You bring the data.


Tools for making and testing strategies. You bring the data and strategies.



AI Tools



Use Cases

New Countries












  • Utopian - rewards for open-source contributors


  • AION - Inter-blockchain communication
  • AKASHA - ETH based. A distributed publsihing platform (like Medium or perhaps Steemit) where users can upvote eachother's posts & get ETH from doing so.
  • Aragon - The first step towards a more fair, efficient world
  • Augur - ETH based. Lets people make predictions & bet on their outcomes
  • B Umbrella - Private security Uber-style decentralized app
  • Baanx - Allows anyone to create their own bank
  • Bancor - ETH based. Bancor is an open-sourced technology who's purpose is to make creation of cryptocurrencies (tied to bigger chains like ETH) extremely easy.
  • BEXT360 - ETH based. Machine that analyses (photographs) and bids on coffee berries in field. If farmer agrees on price, transaction is done instantly
  • BitClave - Decentralized search engine where you choose what you share with advertisers and get paid for doing so
  • Bitconnect - Ponzi
  • Bitland - Land registration on the blockchain
  • Bitnation - A decentralized governance platform
  • Bloq - BTC based. Redhat to Bitcoin, ex-BTC-coredev is on it
  • Blue Frontiers - Seasteading Institute internal currency for seastead nations
  • Braveno
  • Changelly - Exchange
  • DCorp - ETH based. Decentralized derivatives, futures, and options (run as a DAO I believe)
  • Dfinity - ETH based. Sister to ETH network (uses EVM code), B2B, decentralized?
  • Digix - ETH based. Distributed ownership of assets. For example, DGX is ownership of a % of actual gold in an actual vault.
  • Enjin - ETH based. Gaming community website builder. Enjincoin can be used to give unique IDs to in-game-items and for trading both itself and items linked to it
  • [Enterprise] Ethereum Alliance](https://entethalliance.org) - ETH based. A group of ETH startups, corporations, and thought leaders devoted to helping grow ETH
  • EOS - Alike idea to ETH, except with slightly diff features and benefits. EOS has no fees, is more centralized (long term), and going to be DoS resistant from day one (which is slated for June 2018)
  • Gnosis - ETH based. Lets people make predictions & bet on their outcomes
  • Golem - ETH based. Gives people the ability to 'rent out' the extra space & computing power on their computers. This can then be bought by anyone to do anything (mining cryptocurrencies, scientific research, AI, etc). Providers get paid via lottery
  • Grid+ - Aims to create a global network of batteries that uses the green energy boom to create a marketplace for user generated electricity, where nodes can sell their stored energy to the grid.
  • HashCash - A PoW algorithm, developed in 1997, that Satoshi Nakamoto used in part to create Blockchain tech
  • IOTA - Coin for IoT. Doesn't use blockchain, but a new tech called Tangle
  • Kick - A platform for blockchain based ICOs, where they support your project with marketing, advisors, and an audience. They vett all projects that they accept.
  • KickCity - Facebook on blockchain
  • Maidsafe - Distributed storage
  • MelonPort
  • MetaMask - ETH based. Gives you the ability to access dApps via the (chrome) browser. It turns your browser into an Ethereum browser. It lets websites retrieve data from the blockchain & letting users manage their IDs & sign transactions.
  • NameCoin - BTC based. Distributed DNS & other stuff
  • Neo - NEO is a non-profit community-based blockchain project that utilizes blockchain technology and digital identity to digitize assets, to automate the management of digital assets using smart contracts, and to realize a "smart economy" with a distributed network.
  • Nxt - Has a NXT coin, which is a cryptocurrency used as a platform for building apps & personal crypto-currencies. Is a semi-closed-source project with backdoors.
  • Opiria - Creates a GDPR-compliant B2C marketplace for personal data, allowing you to sell it in exchange for PDATA tokens
  • PolkaDot - A multi-chain framework to support many different public & private blockchains & make them interoperable (and more scalable).
  • Project Safe - Essentially an encrypted harddrive to store all your data
  • Rouleth - ETH based. Lets you play Roulette with your ETH
  • Satori - Wants to build a distributed AI mesh, made of millions of devices, that can "read & write the entire internet", and host AIs.
  • Scuttlebutt - A social (gossip) network. Every user is a node that connects their friends to the rest of their friends. There are also large nodes that collect and share more data, but these are optional. Every user is a node that connects their friends to the rest of their friends.
  • Sharpe Capital - Machine-learning based investment fund that pays dividends to token holders
  • SingularDTV - ETC based. Netflix on the Blockchain
  • Stox - ETH based. Stox is an open source, Bancor based prediction market platform
  • Synereo - Synereo offers blockchain-enabled Attention Economy solutions, allowing direct and platform agnostic monetization of original content posted anywhere on the net.
  • Teambrella - P2P Insurance
  • Tezos - New form of blockchain scheme that aims to decentralize away from both miners and core devs, and instead make it kind of a bid-on-forks model?
  • Ujo Music - ETH based. A ConsenSys Project - Removes all the middlemen of the music industry, allowing artists to have complete ownership of their own music. Possible basis for using blockchain to secure rights to digital products?
  • uPort - ETH based. A decentralized identity that you can use for all ID verification purposes. Alike to Facebook login, except it could be used for stuff like banking too. Unhackable & recoverable via social methods.
  • Waves - A platform for making, crowdfunding, and trading tokens. Purpose is to be a blockchain of coins, with countless coins being made on its network
  • Wings - Automated DAO creation (the type of DAO built for funding projects). Kickstarter on the decentralized network?
  • Zcash - A cryptocurrency that automatically hides the info the the sender, recipient, value of all transactions, etc. unless one has the correct view key.